
恭喜 恦品室內設計 - 恦品-里山 榮獲【法國巴黎設計 Paris Design Awards 2023 銀獎】



“The Satoyama Initiative” is a global initiative based on the concept of Satoyama — a traditional rural landscape in Japan. The initiative promotes the integration of conservation and the sustainable use of biodiversity in production landscapes outside of protected areas. This is a project residential design project located in the downtown business area. Due to urbanization, the concrete jungle is all around, and citizens have been deprived of the beautiful greenery and nature. Therefore, the architect has decided to bring nature into the neighborhood and life. The goal is to provide residents with fresh air and natural greenery so that they can live an enjoyable and exciting life.


媒體報道:SATOYAMA - Berlin Design Awards 2023