
恭喜 恦品室內設計 - 恦品-里山 榮獲【墨爾本設計大獎 Melbourne Design Awards 2023 金獎】


設計初期,以象徵村落的「里」(Sato) 作為建築設計的出發點。將建築周圍的巷弄比擬為小山徑,建築本體便成為山的意象,令歸者返家時恰似走進山林那般愜意悠閒。整體建築外觀以白色作為基底,增添灰色框架與木質線條,展現立體感與層次感。建築師特意在每一樓層設置景觀陽台,讓更多綠意與陽光導入生活空間。採用垂直綠化的手法,使綠植在清水混凝土飾牆間若隱若現,令人仿若置身於山中林裡,巧妙地讓自然、建築與生活產生對話,孕育出生機與活力。

At the beginning of the design, the designer has set the "Sato,” the village, as the core of its brainstorming process. The lane around the building is compared to a small mountain path, and the building becomes the image of a mountain so that when people return home, it is as refreshing and exciting as walking into a forest.


媒體報道:SATOYAMA - Melbourne Design Awards  2023